powerful vegetable soybean oil productline in botswana

powerful vegetable soybean oil productline in botswana
  • powerful vegetable soybean oil productline in botswana
  • Will soy oil production increase in 2025?
  • World production of soy oil is estimated to increase to 66.2 Mill. t in 2025. This implies an increase of 17.4 Mill. t in the 10 years ending 2025 compared with an expansion of 15.3 Mill. t in the 10 years ended 2015. Most of the growth in production will occur in China, Argentina, Brazil, and the USA.
  • How much soy oil is used in biodiesel?
  • In 2015 approximately 7.7 Mill. t of soy oil or 16% of world consumption was destined for the production of biodiesel, of which 2.7 Mill. t in Brazil, 2.2 Mill. t in the USA, 1.8 Mill. t in Argentina, and 0.5 Mill. t in the European Union. Trade. A main share of the pr oduced soy oil is exported (Fig. 11 ).
  • Will soybean production increase beyond 400 mills in 2024/2025?
  • Further expansion in plantings particularly in South America but also in other parts of the world coupled with further improvements in yields per hectare is likely to boost world production of soybeans beyond 400 Mill. t in the season 2024/2025.
  • Which feedstock is used for biodiesel production in 2015?
  • Vegetable oils are the major feedstock for biodiesel production in calendar year 2015. In that year 8.7 Mill. t of palm oil used thus accounted for 29.2% of all feedstock used for biodiesel production (including HVO). In addition, 7.7 Mill. t of soy oil (28.5%) and 7.0 Mill. t of rapeseed oil (23.6%) was used as a feedstock.