20-500tpd soybean seeds oil line in zambia

20-500tpd soybean seeds oil line in zambia
  • 20-500tpd soybean seeds oil line in zambia
  • Which province produces soya beans in Zambia?
  • Eastern province although comprised mainly of small-scale farmers, is one of the three main producers of soya beans in Zambia. Others are Central and Northern Provinces , .
  • How much does it cost to grow soya beans in Zambia?
  • Let¡¯s start with some numbers. On average most Zambian farmers harvest between 2-tons to 4-tons of soya beans per hectare. ie 2000kg to 4000kg per hectare. The total production cost per hectare is approximately K4000 to K6000.
  • Why is Zambia developing an edible oils strategy?
  • The Government of Zambia is facilitating the development of an Edible Oils Strategy to boost national oilseeds production and value addition. Zambia is currently relying on imported edible oils, which are killing the local industry, taking jobs and income from farmers.
  • Why is Soya a profitable crop in Zambia?
  • The soya bean production opens doors of opportunities for Zambian farmers. Notably, the climate in Zambia is largely favourable for soya production and the arable land is vast enough to accommodate future expansion. Most importantly, soya is a very profitable crop.