soybean manual oil press machine in ethiopia

soybean manual oil press machine in ethiopia
  • soybean manual oil press machine in ethiopia
  • When to plant soya beans in Ethiopia?
  • Plant soya bean as soon as the rains are well established. With early plantings, slightly shallower seed placement will speed emergence, and with late plantings in dry soil, slightly deeper placement may be necessary to put the seed in contact with moisture. The optimum period for planting soya beans in Western Ethiopia is from June 1 to June 15.
  • Who can participate in soya bean production practices?
  • In soya bean production practices both male, female and children can participate. other activities like weeding, harvesting and threshing soya bean by hand is labor intensive and time consuming tasks than harvesting and threshing cereal crops; so introducing labor and time should be inconsideration including thresher, combiner and so forth.
  • How to increase the productivity of soya bean production process?
  • In Soya bean production process the use crop rotation, intercropping, compost, bio inoculants plays crucial role in increasing the productivity of soya bean by improving soil quality in environmentally friend way. 9. References
  • What causes soya bean disease in Ethiopia?
  • Soya bean diseases can be caused by fungi, bacteria or viruses and can result in major yield losses. The major disease infected soya bean in Ethiopia is brown spot, downy mildew, anthracnose, leaf blotch, and bacteria blight and mosaic virus (Moges M. and Zinaw D., 2014).