soybean oil press machine 190 kg h in ethiopia

soybean oil press machine 190 kg h in ethiopia
  • soybean oil press machine 190 kg h in ethiopia
  • Is soybean a pulse crop?
  • Soybean is mostly grown as an oil seed crop than a pulse crop. It is well known as a wonder crop as it has multipurpose utilization (Fentahun, 2019). It is also called a yellow jewel, Cinderella crop, or Golden bean. … …
  • Does Ethiopia have a potential for soybean production?
  • Ethiopia has huge potential for soybean production . Although Ethiopia started soybean research and production in the early 1950s, the production status and area coverage is below its potential .
  • Why are soybean production trends not increasing over time?
  • The production trends of soybean are not constantly increasing over time due to market price fluctuation and lack of awareness about local processing of the crop. This price fluctuation and low level of awareness about its utilization have their own negative implication on farmers motivation regarding soybean production (Fentahun, 2019).