crude oil refinery for peanut oil in south africa

crude oil refinery for peanut oil in south africa
  • crude oil refinery for peanut oil in south africa
  • Could BP and Shell sell South Africa’s oil refineries?
  • It was also possible that those refineries currently associated with international oil majors that had signalled a desire to withdraw from refining, such as BP and Shell, could seek to sell their South African refining assets, he said. BP and Shell currently own the 165 000 bbl/d Sapref refinery in Durban, which is South Africa ¡¯s largest.
  • Why are oil refineries closed in South Africa?
  • Refinery closures in South Africa are shots fired in the long running contestation between the oil refiners and the government, which has been trying to introduce cleaner fuels.
  • Why is South Africa still refining crude oil?
  • South Africa is refining less crude oil and only two refineries remain operational as it has become increasingly expensive to operate refineries and more affordable to import refined product. The only refineries operating are a crude refinery and a synfuels refinery after the biggest crude oil refinery ceased refining at the end of March 2022.
  • What is Natref Refinery?
  • Natref, South Africa’s only inland crude oil refinery is a medium sized technologically advanced refinery, highly efficient in refining heavy crude oil. The Natref refinery is a joint venture between Sasol Oil (Pty) Ltd and Total South Africa (Pty) Ltd.