with excellent service chinese soybean presses in pakistan

with excellent service chinese soybean presses in pakistan
  • with excellent service chinese soybean presses in pakistan
  • Can intercropping technology improve soybean cultivation in Pakistan?
  • In the technical session, representatives of different institutes shared their research, current challenges and status of soybean cultivation in Pakistan. Dr. Sajad presented the practical and possible solution of soybean cultivation with intercropping technology in Pakistan.
  • Why is soybean production and commercialization a problem in Pakistan?
  • Based on various research studies, soybean production and commercialization in Pakistan is hindered by the unavailability of high-yielding, climate-ready and pest-resistant varieties, absence of latest production technologies, skills and knowledge, lack of machinery and insufficiency of marketing of produce and its by-products.
  • Is maize-soybean strip intercropping technology’ready-made’ for Pakistan?
  • Therefore, developing maize-soybean strip intercropping technology to revitalize soybean production becomes ¡®ready-made¡¯ for Pakistan as farmers just need to add soybean crops in the current maize fields,¡± Prof. Yang further explained. Maize-soybean strip intercropping demonstrative plots in Bahawalpur. [Photo/Muhammad Ali Raza]
  • How to produce soybean in Pakistan?
  • To produce soybean of the target, we will need to cultivate soybean on at least 2 million ha by replacing any other major crop," he said. According to Dr. Sajad, under the present challenging scenario of soybean demand in Pakistan, the strip intercropping of soybean with other major crops would the best possible solution.