new type soybeans processing machines in zambia

new type soybeans processing machines in zambia
  • new type soybeans processing machines in zambia
  • Are soya beans a cash crop in Zambia?
  • Soya beans are one of the cash crops being promoted by the government of Zambia among small scale farmers. Most of the Zambian small scale farmers on the Eastern province and Luapula, to mention but a few, have been involved in the soya beans production and this leads to the aim of this paper.
  • Are technical efficiency and itsdeterminants in soybean production in Zambia?
  • Thestudy analyses the technicalefficiency and itsdeterminants in soybean production, applying a Cobb-Douglas stochasticfrontier production model on survey data collectedfrom 79 soybeangrowinghouseholds in Mpongwe district of Zambia. The resultindicatepresence of inefficiencies in soybean production in the area.
  • Is Zambia self-sufficient in soya bean production?
  • Zambia is largely self-sufficient in soya bean production. According to TBSP (2010), 85% of the supply of soya comes from commercial farmers, characterized by high use of inputs, use of irrigation and relatively high yields of over 2.9 tons per hectare. He further pointed out that only 2% of soya beans supply in 2010 came from imports (TBSP, 2010).
  • Where are soya beans grown in Zambia?
  • Research has indicated that soya beans are cultivated in nearly all the parts of Zambia, but mainly in the Eastern, Central and Northern Provinces. According to Lubungu et al. (2013:13) from 2001 to 2010 the Eastern province was responsible for 42% of the soya beans produced in Zambia.