large turenkey peanut oil refinery making machine in bangladesh

large turenkey peanut oil refinery making machine in bangladesh
  • large turenkey peanut oil refinery making machine in bangladesh
  • Can private refineries sell their refined products to state-run Bangladesh Petroleum Corp?
  • Private refineries will have to sell at least 60% of their overall refined products output to state-run Bangladesh Petroleum Corp. during the initial three years of operations. They can sell the remaining 40% output through their own marketing networks during the initial three years after commissioning, according to the new policy.
  • Who owns Eastern Refinery?
  • Eastern Refinery was incorporated under the Indian Companies Act 1913 as a public limited company in 1963 with 35% EPIDC’s ( East Pakistan Industrial Development Corporation) shares, 30% shares held by Burmah Oil Company and the rest 35% by private entrepreneurs.
  • How much oil can a refinery sell in Bangladesh?
  • Under the policy, the annual processing capacity of a crude oil refinery set up by the private sector must be at least 1.5 million mt/year. The refiners will be allowed to sell all types of oil products, including gasoil, jet A-1 fuel, high sulfur fuel oil and gasoline at standards specified by the Bangladesh Standard and Testing Institute.
  • What is Eastern Refinery Limited (ERL)?
  • Eastern Refinery Limited, or ERL, is a state-owned oil refinery in Bangladesh. ERL, a subsidiary of Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation, plays a vital role in supplying around 40% of country’s current petroleum products demand and thus maintains stability in petroleum, oil and lubricants (POL) products market of the country.