vegetable oil refinery sunflower oil in togo

vegetable oil refinery sunflower oil in togo
  • vegetable oil refinery sunflower oil in togo
  • Can vegetable oil refinery wastewater be decontaminated?
  • Vegetable oil refinery wastewaters (VORW) are loaded with organic and oily matter, and cannot be decontaminated by conventional treatment methods. Pretreatment methods with the objective of decreasing oil and grease (O&G) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) content either generate hazardous byproducts or may be too costly.
  • What is a vegetable oil refinery wastewater (VORW)?
  • These wastewaters, often referred to in the literature as ¡°vegetable oil refinery wastewaters¡± (VORW), have high chemical oxygen demand (COD) and oil and grease (O&G) levels, along with elevated phosphorus and dissolved solids concentrations (Pandey et al. 2003 ). Depending on their origin in the plant, they may also present very low pH.
  • Is gravity separation suitable for vegetable oil refinery wastewater?
  • This type of oil, which is considered to be the main target of gravity separation (API 1990 ), is completely removed in the process here optimized. In this study, it was demonstrated that gravity separation is suitable as a primary treatment for vegetable oil refinery wastewaters.