corn embryo peanut oil production line in togo

corn embryo peanut oil production line in togo
  • corn embryo peanut oil production line in togo
  • Does Togo produce voandzou?
  • Concerning legumes, Togo produces voandzou, beans, and groundnuts. For the latter, while annual yields were usually around 40,000 tons, they have been decreasing recently due to the closure of some peanut oil factories. In 2018, the country produced 208,000 tons of beans and cowpeas. These are mainly cotton, coffee, cocoa, and palm oil.
  • How many people grow soybeans in Togo?
  • The sector employs nearly 300,000 people and soybeans is grown over around 67,000 hectares, which is 38% of the total area on which legumes are grown across the territory. Togo has one of the best yields in West Africa (3t/ha), with a turnover of XOF6.8 billion.
  • Is corn a cash crop in Togo?
  • In addition to being used for household consumption (both in rural and urban areas), it is also considered as a cash crop. Corn generates an average net income of XOF223,000 per hectare (latest data), making it the main source of revenue of farms, right after popular cash crops. Most of Togo¡¯s rice is grown in the Savanes region.
  • How much rice does Togo produce?
  • Most of Togo¡¯s rice is grown in the Savanes region. For farmers, it is relatively expensive to cultivate and they struggle against imports from Asia mainly. To reverse this trend, various projects were recently launched to boost rice production, in the Djagblé plain especially. In 2018, Togo produced 145,000 tons of rice.