soybean oil machine high efficiency in ethiopia

soybean oil machine high efficiency in ethiopia
  • soybean oil machine high efficiency in ethiopia
  • What is soybean used for in Ethiopia?
  • Although soybean is considered as an oilseed in the developed world, in Ethiopia it is mostly used as a baby food and protein supplement for milking mothers (Fraanje & Garnett, 2020 ). There are a total of 35 released soybean varieties equally divided in early, medium and late maturity groups.
  • How can policy and development interventions improve soybean production and productivity?
  • Based on the findings of this study it can be concluded that policy and development interventions should give emphasis towards improvement of such economical and institutional support system so as to achieve wider adoption of soybean production technologies, to increase production and productivity as well as to ensure food security.
  • What oilseeds are used in Ethiopia?
  • Nine oilseeds namely noug, gomenzer, linseed, soybean, sunflower, castor, sesame, ground nut and cotton are important in Ethiopia for edible oil consumption. During the last 60?years, 156 varieties with their production practices were registered. Sesame contributes significantly to the foreign currency earnings next to coffee.
  • What is the production and productivity of soybean?
  • Soybean is a legume crop grown in the tropical, subtropical, and temperate climates which are used for food and animal feed. However, the production and productivity of soybean is low and improvement in production and productivity depends on the extent to which a household has applied the recommended production technologies.