automatically refinery soybean oil refinery made in cameroon

automatically refinery soybean oil refinery made in cameroon
  • automatically refinery soybean oil refinery made in cameroon
  • What is Sonara refinery?
  • Created in 1973 and inaugurated in 1981, SONARA is a topping reforming refinery. SONARA places at the disposal of the market the following petroleum products: butane, gasoline, jet fuel, kerosene, fuel oil, distillate, fuel oil. The Limbé refinery has a theoretical capacity of 2,100,000 tons/year.
  • What petroleum products does Sonara sell?
  • SONARA places at the disposal of the market the following petroleum products: butane, gasoline, jet fuel, kerosene, fuel oil, distillate, fuel oil. The Limbé refinery has a theoretical capacity of 2,100,000 tons/year. It was conceived at first to treat light crude (Arabian light).
  • Will Cameroon build a second oil refinery?
  • Downstream: In September 2022, the government of Cameroon indicated it will launch a public tender to refurbish the national oil refinery SONARA. Due to the high level of refined petroleum imports, there have also been calls to build a second refinery. A second refinery would represent a significant business opportunity for U.S. firms.
  • Should Cameroon develop natural gas?
  • Upstream: Confirmed findings of oil reserves on the Chad Basin and the Bakassi peninsula remain unexploited. Cameroon has natural gas reserves estimated to be 4.8 billion cubic feet, much of which remains undeveloped. If the Cameroonian government decides to develop these fields, there would be significant U.S. export potential.