soya corn peanut cake oil machine in zimbabwe

soya corn peanut cake oil machine in zimbabwe
  • soya corn peanut cake oil machine in zimbabwe
  • What is soya bean cake used for?
  • Soya beans is also used as a component of supplementary human food to address severe malnutrition. The remaining cake after industrial oil extraction, known as Soya bean Cake is widely used as a protein and oil source in livestock feed. In soybean production, it is not enough to just plant the seed, wait for rains, and finally expect a good yield.
  • Is soybean a food legume in Zambia?
  • INTRODUCTION Soybean (Glycine max) is an important food legume crop cultivated widely in Zambia at both large and small-scale levels. Soybean is the richest in terms of concentration and protein content among food legumes. Soya bean are also rich in oil.
  • What is soya bean cake?
  • Soya bean are also rich in oil. Soya beans is also used as a component of supplementary human food to address severe malnutrition. The remaining cake after industrial oil extraction, known as Soya bean Cake is widely used as a protein and oil source in livestock feed.
  • How does rainfall affect soya bean production in Zambia?
  • Although the amount of rainfall in most areas of Zambia is adequate to support soya bean production, it is the distribution which is most critical. Soya bean yields are adversely afected when moisture is limiting during the reproductive stage.