peanut soybean oil make plant in zimbabwe

peanut soybean oil make plant in zimbabwe
  • peanut soybean oil make plant in zimbabwe
  • Is soybean a food legume in Zambia?
  • INTRODUCTION Soybean (Glycine max) is an important food legume crop cultivated widely in Zambia at both large and small-scale levels. Soybean is the richest in terms of concentration and protein content among food legumes. Soya bean are also rich in oil.
  • How does rainfall affect soya bean production in Zambia?
  • Although the amount of rainfall in most areas of Zambia is adequate to support soya bean production, it is the distribution which is most critical. Soya bean yields are adversely afected when moisture is limiting during the reproductive stage.
  • Does Zimbabwe need soyabean?
  • However, current demand for soyabean in Zimbabwe far outstrips supply, opening opportunities for farmers and the industry to plug in the disparities. Soyabean crop is used as an affordable source of protein for livestock feeds. It is also used in making cooking oil, margarine, soya chunks, soap, milk to name a few.
  • Why is soyabean important in Zimbabwe?
  • Soyabean is one of the most common crops with multiple benefits to the farmer, the industry and the economy. However, current demand for soyabean in Zimbabwe far outstrips supply, opening opportunities for farmers and the industry to plug in the disparities. Soyabean crop is used as an affordable source of protein for livestock feeds.