soybean seeds oil plants ce patent certifications in zimbabwe

soybean seeds oil plants ce patent certifications in zimbabwe
  • soybean seeds oil plants ce patent certifications in zimbabwe
  • Is soybean seed oil content controlled by artificial selection?
  • Soybean seed oil content is a key agronomical trait targeted by artificial selection and may be controlled by plenty of selective regions in the soybean genome. A set of selection sweeps related to oil content, embodied FA synthesis genes, were unveiled ( Zhou et al., 2015 ).
  • Does Zimbabwe need soyabean?
  • However, current demand for soyabean in Zimbabwe far outstrips supply, opening opportunities for farmers and the industry to plug in the disparities. Soyabean crop is used as an affordable source of protein for livestock feeds. It is also used in making cooking oil, margarine, soya chunks, soap, milk to name a few.
  • How are Seeds certified in Zimbabwe?
  • Although most of the seed companies have their own inhouse seed inspectors, the government has seed inspectors to oversee the certification process of all seeds under compulsory certification. The process is carried out based on Chapter 19:13 of the Seeds Act of 1971, as well as Zimbabwe¡¯s (Notice 2000).
  • Why is soyabean important in Zimbabwe?
  • Soyabean is one of the most common crops with multiple benefits to the farmer, the industry and the economy. However, current demand for soyabean in Zimbabwe far outstrips supply, opening opportunities for farmers and the industry to plug in the disparities. Soyabean crop is used as an affordable source of protein for livestock feeds.