hig peanut cooking oil refining equipment in zambia

hig peanut cooking oil refining equipment in zambia
  • hig peanut cooking oil refining equipment in zambia
  • Why is cooking oil important in Zambia?
  • Zambians enjoy eating delectable cuisine. Cooking oil is an essential ingredient in the preparation of delectable food. As a result, if you are an aspiring entrepreneur looking to start a new business, the cooking oil industry is an excellent choice.
  • How does zamanita help farmers in Zambia?
  • Most farmers in Zambia face challenges to sell their produce. As a reliable commodity buyer, Zamanita offers a ready market for groundnuts, sunflower and soya beans to farmers, especially those into small-scale farming. This has encouraged farmers to grow more and has also helped them increase their agricultural capacity.
  • How to start a cooking oil business in Zambia?
  • It is critical to find a consistent source of raw materials for the business. As a result, the company must identify a source from which raw materials can be obtained on a regular basis. In Zambia, registering a cooking oil business is required. The business is granted a trade license once the registration is completed.
  • Who is zamanita oil?
  • Part of the Export Trading Group (ETG), Zamanita is one of Zambia¡¯s largest edible oil and soybean meal producers. The company serves the domestic and export markets as well as sells into the domestic refined oils market.