the sunflower seed huller and oil press for sale in zambia

the sunflower seed huller and oil press for sale in zambia
  • the sunflower seed huller and oil press for sale in zambia
  • How do you plant sunflower seeds?
  • You can plant sunflower seeds directly into the soil. To plant in rows, space the seeds about 15 cm apart in a shallow trench between 2.5 and 5 cm deep. In sandy soil, 5cm deep is better. Cover and water until the seeds sprout in 7 to 10 days. When first true leaves appear (the second set of leaves); thin plants to about 60 cm apart.
  • What is the problem with sunflower seeds?
  • The problem, heretofore, with sunflower seeds was the difficulty of dehulling them at home, and the lack of a device for expressing oil from the seeds. About six months ago, we decided to change all that. The job was to find out who makes a sunflower seed dehuller or to devise one if none were manufactured.
  • What are sunflower seeds used for?
  • The sunflower seeds are processed into meal and oil extracted from them. They are also used as bird feed. Stems are not only the backbone of the sunflower, they make nice materials on large and small scales like paper.
  • Is a sunflower a multipurpose plant?
  • The sunflower is an ideal multipurpose plant. The flower head has hundreds of tiny inflorescences grouped together into what appears to be a single flower head. Each of these tiny flowers is loaded with the nectar and pollen that attract and feed a huge variety of pollinators and beneficial insects.