6yl soybean oil production machine in zambia

6yl soybean oil production machine in zambia
  • 6yl soybean oil production machine in zambia
  • Is soybean a food legume in Zambia?
  • INTRODUCTION Soybean (Glycine max) is an important food legume crop cultivated widely in Zambia at both large and small-scale levels. Soybean is the richest in terms of concentration and protein content among food legumes. Soya bean are also rich in oil.
  • Which type of rotation is best for soybean production?
  • Rotation The cereal/legume rotation type has shown to be very successful in soybean production. This is because: The cereal benefits from the nitrogen fixed by the soybean, thereby contributing to increase in the marketable volume of the cereal through increased yields.
  • How does rainfall affect soya bean production in Zambia?
  • Although the amount of rainfall in most areas of Zambia is adequate to support soya bean production, it is the distribution which is most critical. Soya bean yields are adversely afected when moisture is limiting during the reproductive stage.
  • How to manage Labour in soya beans production?
  • Hand washing soap is added (as a sticker). The resulting liquid is then put in a sprayer and sprayed around the plant basins until soil is wet. Synthetic chemicals such as Dursban can also be used as per product label instructions. 3.7 Labour Management Practices. Labour management in soya beans production is very critical.