carbon steel biodiesel soybean oil expeller price in zambia

carbon steel biodiesel soybean oil expeller price in zambia
  • carbon steel biodiesel soybean oil expeller price in zambia
  • Is biodiesel welfare-beneficial in Zambia?
  • However, if Zambia increases its domestic soybean supply, as well as oil yield, soybean-based biodiesel is likely to be welfare-beneficial. The country¡¯s welfare is found to be the highest under expanded soybean production and its domestic processing but with no biodiesel mandate.
  • How much does biodiesel cost in Zambia?
  • Because the local market price of biodiesel in Zambia is $1.31/l, using of Eq. (5) we estimate the Zambian biodiesel producers¡¯ willingness to pay for soybean oil to be $1180/mt.
  • Does a binding biodiesel mandate work in Zambia?
  • The results in column 7 in Table 2 suggest that increasing soybean (and hence biodiesel) production on the abandoned land in Zambia appears to be beneficial under a binding biodiesel mandate. However, how does the situation change if there is no mandate?