cold press oil plant vegetable seeds soybean in zambia

cold press oil plant vegetable seeds soybean in zambia
  • cold press oil plant vegetable seeds soybean in zambia
  • How does rainfall affect soya bean production in Zambia?
  • Although the amount of rainfall in most areas of Zambia is adequate to support soya bean production, it is the distribution which is most critical. Soya bean yields are adversely afected when moisture is limiting during the reproductive stage.
  • Is soybean a food legume in Zambia?
  • INTRODUCTION Soybean (Glycine max) is an important food legume crop cultivated widely in Zambia at both large and small-scale levels. Soybean is the richest in terms of concentration and protein content among food legumes. Soya bean are also rich in oil.
  • Why is Soya a profitable crop in Zambia?
  • The soya bean production opens doors of opportunities for Zambian farmers. Notably, the climate in Zambia is largely favourable for soya production and the arable land is vast enough to accommodate future expansion. Most importantly, soya is a very profitable crop.
  • Which province produces soya beans in Zambia?
  • Eastern province although comprised mainly of small-scale farmers, is one of the three main producers of soya beans in Zambia. Others are Central and Northern Provinces , .