1-20tpd small scale soybean oil mill project in zambia

1-20tpd small scale soybean oil mill project in zambia
  • 1-20tpd small scale soybean oil mill project in zambia
  • Why is Soya a profitable crop in Zambia?
  • The soya bean production opens doors of opportunities for Zambian farmers. Notably, the climate in Zambia is largely favourable for soya production and the arable land is vast enough to accommodate future expansion. Most importantly, soya is a very profitable crop.
  • Why is soya bean production declining in Zambia?
  • However, average soya bean yield decreased from 2.3 MT/ha in 2012 to 1.52 MT/ha in 2017. This indicates that the reported tremendous growth in soya bean production in Zambia in the last decade is attributed mainly to area expansion rather than yield or productivity improvement which actually has decreased.
  • Are technical efficiency and itsdeterminants in soybean production in Zambia?
  • Thestudy analyses the technicalefficiency and itsdeterminants in soybean production, applying a Cobb-Douglas stochasticfrontier production model on survey data collectedfrom 79 soybeangrowinghouseholds in Mpongwe district of Zambia. The resultindicatepresence of inefficiencies in soybean production in the area.
  • Does Zambia produce soya beans?
  • However, small scale farmers have increased their production of soya beans and as of 2017 their share was 45% of total production. The domestic soya bean requirement is estimated at 230,000 MT and in recent years Zambia has become self-sufficient in soya bean production.