purchase of soybean oil extractors for kyrgyzstan in uganda

purchase of soybean oil extractors for kyrgyzstan in uganda
  • purchase of soybean oil extractors for kyrgyzstan in uganda
  • Who is okeba Uganda Limited?
  • Okeba Uganda Limited is one of the partners working in the soybean value chain in the districts of Mubende, Kakumiro, Kyegegwa and Kyenjojo. The company met resistance from farmers when they first tried to introduce soybean as a climate-resilient crop. Most of the farmers cited production challenges and lack of a sustainable market.
  • Who resisted okeba’s proposal to grow soybean?
  • Zainab a host farmer in Kyenjojo district was one of the farmers who resisted Okeba¡¯s proposal to grow soybean. ¡°My parents used to grow soybean using local ordinary seed when I was young. The soybean would take about six months to mature.
  • How many smallholder farmers will be able to grow soybeans in Uganda?
  • In Uganda, the project has so far signed partnership agreements with eleven SMEs working in the soybean and sesame value chains with a potential to reach 90,000 smallholder farmers.
  • Why does Sal specialise in soybeans?
  • The company specialises in soybeans because of agribusiness sector of any country. SAL is registered by Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF) to produce, process and supply seed of agricultural crops in Uganda. Read more.. Below is the range of activities/services of Soybean Africa contact / reach us!