vco soybean oil mill automatic in uganda

vco soybean oil mill automatic in uganda
  • vco soybean oil mill automatic in uganda
  • What is the extraction method of VCO?
  • expelling method or centrifugation method. Research showed that the extraction of VCO using method with 65.95% oil recovery and yield of 16.5-19%. Even with low percent oil recovery and natural fermentation among other extraction method of VCO due to its cost-effectivity.
  • Who is Bidco Uganda?
  • Bidco Uganda was established as a Joint Venture investment with Wilmar International from Singapore {the leading agribusiness group in Asia). The company produces oils, fats, soaps, and other products in Uganda and is investing US$ 160 million in its Uganda refining capacity.
  • Can a machine extract VCO from coconut milk?
  • This research therefore, focused in improving the natural fermentation method by developing a machine that automatically extracts the VCO from the coconut milk with higher percent oil recovery and yield. The designed machine was evaluated based on its oil recovery, and yield with respect to the current method of extraction.
  • Why do VCO producers still use natural fermentation?
  • Even with low percent oil recovery and yield, VCO producers here in the Philippines particularly in Quezon province still employs the natural fermentation among other extraction method of VCO due to its cost-effectivity.