new essential peanut oil seed plant equipment in sri lanka

new essential peanut oil seed plant equipment in sri lanka
  • new essential peanut oil seed plant equipment in sri lanka
  • When did groundnuts come out in Sri Lanka?
  • The year was 1993 when the groundnut variety Tissa, a product of mutation breeding, was released in Sri Lanka. As far as plant breeding is concerned, 25-year-old varieties are often ancient history ¨C part of the past.
  • Who distributes vegetable seed in India?
  • Most of the quality seed in the country is imported and distributed to farmers by the private sector. Important vegetable seed distributors include Troseed and Best Seeds, while maize seed and paddy seed are distributed by companies such as CIC Agri Businesses and Hayleys Agriculture.
  • How to increase vegetable seed production in Sri Lanka?
  • As Sri Lanka is dependent to a large extent on imported seed, in 2017 the Department of Agriculture and Lal Teer Seed of Bangladesh implemented a project to increase vegetable seed production in the country. The project is planned to be implemented on the premises of Field Crops Research and Development Institute, Mahailluppallama.
  • What are groundnuts used for in Sri Lanka?
  • Although rice is by far the major crop for the country, about 5 percent of the farm families in Sri Lanka earn extra income growing and selling groundnuts. While not a main ingredient of Sri Lankan cuisine, groundnuts are often found in curries and fried rice, or roasted to be eaten as snacks.