peanut groundnut oil production line in sri lanka

peanut groundnut oil production line in sri lanka
  • peanut groundnut oil production line in sri lanka
  • How did Sri Lanka start breeding groundnuts?
  • Sri Lanka started its mutation breeding programme in the late 1960s with the help of the Joint FAO/IAEA Division that has continued to provide equipment and training. To breeders, Tissa was such a success that they now use it to breed new and even better groundnut varieties.
  • When did groundnuts come out in Sri Lanka?
  • The year was 1993 when the groundnut variety Tissa, a product of mutation breeding, was released in Sri Lanka. As far as plant breeding is concerned, 25-year-old varieties are often ancient history ¨C part of the past.
  • What are groundnuts used for in Sri Lanka?
  • Although rice is by far the major crop for the country, about 5 percent of the farm families in Sri Lanka earn extra income growing and selling groundnuts. While not a main ingredient of Sri Lankan cuisine, groundnuts are often found in curries and fried rice, or roasted to be eaten as snacks.