small scale peanut oil production line in sri lanka

small scale peanut oil production line in sri lanka
  • small scale peanut oil production line in sri lanka
  • Is coconut oil production using imported copra a viable business?
  • Financial analysis shows that coconut oil production using the imported copra under normal tax is not a viable business. Furthermore, the quality of imported copra and the oil yield from the imported copra were not known.
  • What is the special commodity levy of palm oil?
  • By considering the above recommendations, government revised the special commodity levy of crude palm oil from Rs. 130.00 per kg to the level of Rs. 175.00 per kg, special commodity levy of palm kernel, refined palm oil from Rs. 150.00 to the level of Rs. 195.00 and refined packed palm oil Rs. 155.00 to the level of Rs. 200.00
  • Should Sri Lanka remove ESC for coconut based products?
  • World market share of the most of the coconut and coconut based products is less than 20 per cent. Hence, it is beneficial to Sri Lanka to remove ESC for such products. There are certain coconut based products that contribute highly for international trades which can gain from impose of a domestic tax.
  • Should CRI revise the special commodity levy of palm oil?
  • Therefore, by considering the CIF prices of imported edible oils, CRI recommended to revise the special commodity levy of crude palm oil form Rs.130.00 per kg to the level of Rs.175.00 per kg and special commodity levy of palm kernel, refined palm oil and packed palm oil from Rs.150.00 to the level of Rs.200.00