super peanut oil extraction plant in south africa

super peanut oil extraction plant in south africa
  • super peanut oil extraction plant in south africa
  • How are groundnuts transported in South Africa?
  • The most frequent mode of transport for groundnuts is by road trucks or railway wagons and ships, and in very rare instances air cargo can be used. The tremendous increase in the fuel price in South Africa could af-fect the producers¡¯ profit if the seeds are to be sold in remote areas.
  • How long does it take a peanut pod to grow?
  • Eight to fourteen days after pollination, aerial pegs will grow 5 cm to 8 cm into the soil and then turn to a hori-zontal orientation to mature into a peanut pod. Pods reach maximum size after two to three weeks in the soil, maximum oil content in six to seven weeks, and maximum protein content after five to eight weeks.
  • Why are groundnuts so popular in South Africa?
  • Locally and internationally, an increase is expected in the demand for groundnuts as a result of the biofuel initiative in South Africa and worldwide. Seeds yield non-drying, edible oil, used in cooking, margarines, salads, canning, and deep-frying; the oil content of the groundnut kernels is between 45% and 55%.
  • How to irrigate groundnuts in South Africa?
  • Most of the cultivated groundnuts in South Africa are under dry land. Irrigation can be done in areas with limited soil moisture/low rainfall areas so that production and quality can be maximised. The irrigation method will depend on the available water resources and the available irrigation equip-ment.


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