new technology soybean oil processing machine in cameroon

new technology soybean oil processing machine in cameroon
  • new technology soybean oil processing machine in cameroon
  • How is soymeal produced?
  • Current status of soymeal Soybean meal is produced by different processing methods such as solvent extraction (soybean flakes 1.5% oil), and mechanical extraction by screw press (soymeal press cake >5% oil). Soymeal accounts for 62.5% of total oil meal and it also represents the 61% protein source to feed livestock (A. et al., 2011).
  • Can a zero-waste soybean processing model support a sustainable food system?
  • A zero-waste soybean processing model is proposed in this review to support a sustainable food system. 1. Introduction
  • Will Cameroon build a second oil refinery?
  • Downstream: In September 2022, the government of Cameroon indicated it will launch a public tender to refurbish the national oil refinery SONARA. Due to the high level of refined petroleum imports, there have also been calls to build a second refinery. A second refinery would represent a significant business opportunity for U.S. firms.
  • What are some by-products produced during the processing of primary soy products?
  • There are some by-products produced during the processing of primary soy products, such as soy oil, soymilk, tofu, soy yogurt, and many others. The soymeal, hull, soy-whey, soy flakes, and okara are the main by/waste products produced by the soy food processing industry.