cameroon popular soybean oil mill in south africa

cameroon popular soybean oil mill in south africa
  • cameroon popular soybean oil mill in south africa
  • Where is soybean produced in South Africa?
  • Production perspective Soybean is produced throughout the country, but significant production takes place in the Free State and Mpumalanga provinces. South African soybean production has always varied throughout the years, but mostly above the domestic demand (see Graph 1 ).
  • Does South Africa still import soybean oil?
  • Despite the increasing levels of soybean production, South Africa still imports considerable volumes of soybean oilcake and oil, and there is still considerable scope for production increases in order to substitute these imports. In fact, South Africa¡¯s domestic soybean production is only a third of the country¡¯s crushing capacity.
  • How much soybean is produced in Africa?
  • Soybean production in Africa occupies 1·3% of the total world area under soybean production representing 0·6% of the total production. In 2011, soybean was planted on 1·1 million ha of land in SSA, which is approximately 1% of the total arable land.
  • Does soybean production have a bright future in Africa?
  • The author argues that soybean production has a bright future in Africa due to the emerging and increasing demand for soybean oil and feed for livestock by the middle class. However, Africa continues to rely on the investment of largely resource©poor smallholders for the majority of crop production.