sesame soybean oil extraction equiment in nigeria

sesame soybean oil extraction equiment in nigeria
  • sesame soybean oil extraction equiment in nigeria
  • Is Nigerian Sesame a good oil?
  • It seems that Nigerian sesame is generally imported as an oilseed. The seed from Nigeria has relatively high oil content and is competitively priced. Where the bakery and confectionery users of sesame have particular requirements concerning seed attributes, such as color and flavor, the sesame oil sector is less demanding.
  • How does Korea buy Nigerian sesame oil?
  • Korea presently buys through a tendering system with specifications that include minimum oil content of 48%. With a more flexible specifications the price advantage of Nigerian sesame as a source of oil would become clear. Explore the possibility of changes in the Korean tendering process.
  • How to extract sesame oil in Nigeria?
  • Roasting of seed at 100°C also gives optimum oil yield. The National Cereals Research Institute, Badeggi have developed a 10kg hydraulic hand press for household and small-scale sesame oil extraction. About 60-70% of sesame produced in Nigeria is exported to the major consuming countries.
  • How much does Nigeria Export sesame seed a year?
  • The annual exports of sesame seed are valued at $20mn in a global trade in sesame seed valued at $480mn. Despite being the leading supplier to Japan, Nigerian sesame exporters have only 4% of the world market. Exports are heavily skewed towards Japan.