mozambique flaxseed oil peanut oil plant in lesotho

mozambique flaxseed oil peanut oil plant in lesotho
  • mozambique flaxseed oil peanut oil plant in lesotho
  • How many pharmacological studies are there in Lesotho?
  • Thirty-one ethnomedicinal, 14 pharmacological (nine antioxidant, three anti-inflammatory, five antimicrobial activities), six phytochemical, and 15 conservation studies on medicinal plants of Lesotho were scrutinized. It is important to note that some studies evaluated more than one pharmacological activity.
  • Are phthalic acid esters present in raw oilseeds in China?
  • Widespread occurrence of phthalic acid esters in raw oilseeds in China used for edible vegetable oil production. Food Addit. Contam. Part A Chem. Anal. Control Expo. Risk Assess. 33, 1421¨C1427. 10.1080/19440049.2016.1222631 [ PubMed] [ CrossRef] [ Google Scholar] Hu H., Liu H., Shi A., Liu L., Fauconnier M. L., Wang Q. (2018).
  • Are there studies on medicinal plants of Lesotho?
  • The current study aimed to provide a systematic review of ethnomedicinal, pharmacological, and conservation studies undertaken on medicinal plants of Lesotho. The synthesis brings together published and unpublished literature sources, thus providing a comprehensive database for studies conducted on Lesotho medicinal plants.
  • How many plants are used in Lesotho?
  • To read the full-text of this research, you can request a copy directly from the authors. Background: Of the approximately 2,076 plant species occurring in Lesotho, about 355 are used for medicinal purposes.