odm oem peanut oil productproduction line in malaysia

odm oem peanut oil productproduction line in malaysia
  • odm oem peanut oil productproduction line in malaysia
  • What is an OEM company in Malaysia?
  • A common acronym is seen for brand owners who are looking to OEM their own products. OEM companies in Malaysia can range from semiconductors, motors, to food and cosmetics. The term OEM essentially means combining items from other manufacturers to create another product at another factory. OEM service providers may not own a factory.
  • What is the difference between OEM & ODM?
  • OEM service providers may not own a factory. An example is Apple, designed in California manufactured in China or even companies like Pepsi and Coca Cola. ODM on the other hand is more synonymous with a factory assisting you with manufacturing your product. Also called private label or white labelling.
  • Are OEM products a good idea in Malaysia?
  • Yes! Many businesses start with ODM or OEM products finding tremendous success in the products offered and have remained focused on their strengths of sales and marketing. All you need are good products, great marketing and a reliable OEM in Malaysia What is OEM? A common acronym is seen for brand owners who are looking to OEM their own products.
  • Are OEM manufacturers in Malaysia halal?
  • Most OEM manufacturers in Malaysia have Halal certification and will charge you according to your companies revenue size. Most customers will look for MAL, NOT and Halal certifications which ensures quality both ways for your brand and for the customer. Cost of Consultation? Free