internal standard peanut oil refined project in malawi

internal standard peanut oil refined project in malawi
  • internal standard peanut oil refined project in malawi
  • What is the Malawi factory?
  • The Malawi factory today has the capacity to produce enough food to meet the needs of the entire country. The Malawi factory is accredited by UNICEF, Doctor¡¯s Without Borders (MSF) and the World Food Programme. It is run exclusively by Malawians.
  • Why are agro-ecological constraints affecting smallholder farmers in Malawi?
  • Given the general agro-ecological suitability of much of the land in Malawi for production of these crops, the principal spatial constraints to smallholder farmers engaging in their commercial produc-tion are more likely to be linked to market access and the costs producers would face in order to profitably sell their oilseed.
  • Can small farmers produce oilseeds in Malawi?
  • This analysis suggests that efforts to increase small farmers¡¯ production of oilseeds in Malawi should focus on farmers with larger landholdings in the Mid-altitude plateau zone. Land availability appears to be an important consideration in both farmers¡¯ decisions to produce oilseeds and how much of this to sell.
  • Are Malawian households economically productive?
  • The bulk of Malawian households fall into this category. Not economically productive households are ultra-poor and the share of household members that are workers (between 15 and 64 years of age) is less than 0.50 ¨C that is, more members of the household are statistically defined as non-workers than as workers.