best price peanut oil refining plant in lagos

best price peanut oil refining plant in lagos
  • best price peanut oil refining plant in lagos
  • Will Nigeria compel oil producers to sell crude to domestic refineries?
  • To ensure enough local supply to the giant 650,000 barrel-a-day Dangote refinery, Nigeria¡¯s upstream regulators released new draft rules last month that will compel its oil producers to sell crude to domestic refineries.
  • Is Nigerian crude a reliable alternative to WTI?
  • ¡°Supply of Nigerian crude is insufficient or unavailable and sometimes unreliable,¡± said Elitsa Georgieva, executive director at Citac, an energy consultancy specializing in the African downstream sector. ¡°WTI on the other hand, is available, with reliable supply and competitively priced.¡±
  • Will Nigeria’s new refinery buy millions of barrels of US crude?
  • (Bloomberg) — Nigeria¡¯s new Dangote mega refinery near Lagos is seeking to buy millions of barrels of US crude over the next year as it ramps up processing rates, a sign of the challenges that Africa¡¯s largest producer faces in lifting its own oil output. Most Read from Bloomberg
  • When does Nigeria’s oil tender close?
  • The tender closes on May 21. The call for US oil highlights how influential the plant will be in global crude and fuel trading. It also reflects Nigeria¡¯s struggle to lift its own crude production, which remains well below theoretical capacity, as well as Dangote¡¯s willingness to tap cheaper supplies than it can find at home.