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soybean oil machine best aftersale service-w1 in johannesburg
  • soybean oil machine best aftersale service-w1 in johannesburg
  • Does South Africa need Soya oilcake?
  • ¡°Soya oilcake produced in South Africa in 2020 provided 79% of the country¡¯s soya oilcake requirements [up from only 16% in 2009],¡± note Dr Dirk Strydom and Dr Erhard Briedenhann. ¡°It is projected that this can increase to 97% in 2023 and to 100% in 2029.
  • Where does soya bean come from in South Africa?
  • Records show that in 2020, soya bean imports amounted to 62 063 tons, mainly from Brazil (88,9%), Zambia (6,7%), Mozambique (2,6%) and Malawi (2,1%). Up to now, South African exports of soya bean have been low ¨C in 2020, exports went mainly to Botswana (63,1%), Mozambique (34,8%), Lesotho (1,1%), Eswatini (0,8%) and Zimbabwe (0,2%).
  • How many tons of soya beans are crushed in South Africa?
  • South Africa crushed a total of 1 230 399 tons of soya bean in 2020 compared to 406 900 tons in 2010 ¨C a 202% increase. The vast majority of soya beans in South Africa end up in animal feed, as meal (10,3%) and soya bean oil / oilcake (88,1%).
  • Why did South Africa increase its soya bean crushing capacity in 2020?
  • From 2010 to 2020, there was also rapid expansion in South Africa¡¯s soya bean crushing capacity, due to the government¡¯s import replacement strategy and investments aligned to this. South Africa crushed a total of 1 230 399 tons of soya bean in 2020 compared to 406 900 tons in 2010 ¨C a 202% increase.