integrated refinery soybean oil ecology in indonesia

integrated refinery soybean oil ecology in indonesia
  • integrated refinery soybean oil ecology in indonesia
  • Is imported soybean a reliable solution to Indonesia’s soybean deficit?
  • Local agricultural commodities in Indonesia require efforts to improve performance as well as soybean commodities. The prolonged deficit of local soybeans in meeting national soybean needs raises the suspicion that the imported soybean option is a more reliable deficit solution.
  • Can Integrated Biorefinery of soybeans be implemented in Brazil?
  • The implementation of integrated biorefinery of soybeans, specifically in Brazil, is very interesting considering the country¡¯s expertise regarding biofuel technology already applied to soybeans. The authors are grateful to SENAI CIMATEC for their financial support. The authors have no conflict of interest.
  • How important is integrated biorefinery for Indonesia?
  • ¡°Innovative Bioproduction Indonesia (iBioI)¡± YOPI Research Center for Biotechnology, LIPI [email protected] How Important is the Integrated Biorefinery for Indonesia ? ?Stock of fossil oil is decreasing ?Supply and distribution of energy demand : still a constraint ?Goverment Regulation related to utilization of fossil oil, biofuel etc.
  • What type of oil is used in Indonesian refineries?
  • The average of crude oil entering the Indonesian refineries from 2007 – 2018 was less than 1 million BPD. On primary fuel production, Ron-88 (subsidized fuel) still dominates refinery production in Indonesia. Low Sulphur Waxy Residue (LSWR) is a type of fuel widely produced on secondary fuel production.