fit for edible oil peanut soybean soybean oil mill in indonesia

fit for edible oil peanut soybean soybean oil mill in indonesia
  • fit for edible oil peanut soybean soybean oil mill in indonesia
  • Is soybean meal a co-product from soybean oil production?
  • Moreover, soybean meal is considered a co-product from soybean oil production. The yields of soybean meal were found to be 764 ± 8 kg/ton soybean grain, resulting in a carbon fixation of 305.6 ± 3.2 kg CE/ton soybean grain.
  • Does Myanmar have an edible oil sector?
  • This paper reviews the development of the edible oil sector in Myanmar. Oilseed crops, namely groundnut, sesame, sunflower, mustard and niger, are one of the major crops in Myanmar and it covers 16% of the national cultivated area.
  • Which oil-bearing crops are more suitable for edible oil extraction and refining?
  • Therefore, the remaining two major oil-bearing crops (i.e., rapeseed and peanut) were more suitable for edible oil extraction and refining compared with soybean. By contrast, Dekamin et al. (2018) concluded that soybean was more appropriate for cultivation as the raw material of EVO in Iran than rapeseed due to the low environmental load.
  • What is the production yield of soybean oil per unit area?
  • Moreover, the average production yield of soybean grains was found to be 1.89 ± 0.45 tons grain/ha-crop, corresponding to a carbon fixation rate of 0.76 ± 0.18 tons CE/ha-crop. In addition, production yield of soybean oil per unit area was estimated to be 0.345 ton oil/ha-crop.