automatic oil press for soybean seeds in indonesia

automatic oil press for soybean seeds in indonesia
  • automatic oil press for soybean seeds in indonesia
  • How to plant soybeans in Indonesia?
  • The potential soybean planting areas in Indonesia are the optimal land including irrigated lowland and rainfed after paddy (rice), as well as suboptimal lands such as dryland, acidic land, tidal land, and shaded land under young plantation crops.
  • How many tons of soybeans are consumed in Indonesia?
  • Forecast of the Indonesian Agricultural Data and Information Center. The national demand ranged from 2.73 up to 3.29 million tons during the period 2020¨C2024, which is mostly for consumption purposes. The consumption level of soybeans during this period is predicted to fluctuate and tends to increase by 1.46% per year.
  • How to increase soybean production in Indonesia to achieve self-sufficiency?
  • There are three primary challenges in terms of increasing the soybean production in Indonesia in order to achieve self-sufficiency, i.e. low fertility of the available land, less competition of existing soybean varieties in terms of the quality traits, and relatively low selling price of locally produced soybean.
  • Is soybean a good source of protein in Indonesia?
  • Soybean is the third important food crop in Indonesia after rice and maize, particularly as a good source of protein. The demand for soybean consumption tends to increase annually. In 2020, the figure was about 3.28 million tons, while the domestic production was 0.63 million tons, thus around 81% of the soybean needed was imported.