how verify cold pressed soybean oil in ethiopia

how verify cold pressed soybean oil in ethiopia
  • how verify cold pressed soybean oil in ethiopia
  • Does solvent extraction reduce -tocopherol in soybean oil?
  • Kania et al. (2004) reported that solvent extraction of soybean oil yielded higher total tocopherols content (1448 mg/kg) than cold pressing (1358 mg/kg), and the refining process led to the loss of ¦Á-tocopherol by 37%, ¦Â-tocopherol by 56%, ¦Ã-tocopherol by 17%, and ¦Ä-tocopherol by 34% in solvent-extracted soybean oil.
  • Why is soybean a bottleneck in Ethiopia?
  • In northeastern Ethiopia, soybean [Glycine max (L) Merril] is one of the most important legume crops. However, one of the manufacturing bottlenecks is the lack of high-quality seeds. Quality seed production necessitates the development of seeds from improved types under optimal growth conditions and storage for the shortest time possible.
  • Does Ethiopia have a potential for soybean production?
  • Ethiopia has huge potential for soybean production . Although Ethiopia started soybean research and production in the early 1950s, the production status and area coverage is below its potential .
  • What is soybean used for in Ethiopia?
  • Although soybean is considered as an oilseed in the developed world, in Ethiopia it is mostly used as a baby food and protein supplement for milking mothers (Fraanje & Garnett, 2020 ). There are a total of 35 released soybean varieties equally divided in early, medium and late maturity groups.