soybean oil pure refined mill with save energy in sri lanka

soybean oil pure refined mill with save energy in sri lanka
  • soybean oil pure refined mill with save energy in sri lanka
  • How much soybean is processed per lb?
  • Processing 10 lb. (4.53 kg) of soybean yields 1.83 lb. (0.83 kg) of soy oil and 8 lb. (3.63 kg) of soymeal, accounting for approximately 80% of raw soybean ( Uses for Soybeans, 2011 ).
  • What are the applications of soybean oil in food?
  • THE APPLICATIONS OF SOYBEAN O IL IN FOOD various lipid modification processes. Modified soybe an oi l other fatty food products. Various modifications and the use of soybean oil in food products ca n be seen in Table 1. confectionery filling fat (CFF). – SAFA in oleogel< CFF. – Low SFC (2.5-8%) at 0-30 °C. 40 °C. slower than CFF. trans fatty acids.
  • Is soy a sustainable food source?
  • Soybeans are highly nutritious and sustainable plant-based food source. Major proportion of the soybeans are used in the production of soy oil (85%) followed by animal feed (13%), with only 2% of total soybeans used for human. The most widely used soy-based food products on the market are soymilk, tofu, soy-oil, and soy-yogurt.
  • How is soymeal produced?
  • Current status of soymeal Soybean meal is produced by different processing methods such as solvent extraction (soybean flakes 1.5% oil), and mechanical extraction by screw press (soymeal press cake >5% oil). Soymeal accounts for 62.5% of total oil meal and it also represents the 61% protein source to feed livestock (A. et al., 2011).